martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

Hutos - The Flying House

What do you think?Hutos - The Flying House is a new show made for preschoolers. It is made here in Korea and broadcast on KBS. This subway advertisement showcases the main characters. Do these characters strike you as very similar to another international hit show for preschoolers?Here's an abstraction of the main characters into basic shapes and colors. Don't they seem awfully familiar to you? Tell me what you think in the comments sections. I'll add more about Hutos to this post later.

UPDATE (March 15th, 2008): The similarities between Hutos and Teletubbies are not coincidental. Hutos is intended as the 'Korean Teletubbies'.The first obvious similarity is the character design. The characters are very similar colors as well as other design elements. The second similarity is in the structure of the show. It is undeniably like the Teletubbies. It is set in a beautiful nature reserve and they live in similar eco-friendly structures. The previews for this show even feature the characters posing in the same ways as Teletubbies and speaking baby talk as Teletubbies do. Although, in the actual show, a major difference is that the characters speak full sentences in Korean. And a further difference is that the show features music videos and animated segments (not beaming from their bellies).

Do you think that modeling Hutos so closely off of Teletubbies is a good idea? Here are some possible pros and cons:


  1. Teletubbies is a proven international success, so Hutos need not reinvent the wheel.
  2. The similarities between the two shows helps audiences (parents) and global investors know exactly what to expect from this property.
  3. Teletubbies rip-off or not, at least a Korean television program is gaining international interest. And anyways, nothing is ever completely original and it's not EXACTLY like Teletubbies.


  1. People may criticize Hutos as a blatant rip-off.
  2. Is there a need for a Korean Teletubbies? There already is Teletubbies, so why bother with Hutos?
  3. With all the financial backing for Hutos, the lack of originality is a missed opportunity for Korean talent to truly shine.

Hutos is a cute show that will likely have success on its own merits. The show looks beautiful. And, the heavy marketing can't hurt it either. However, will the Teletubbies similarities hurt or harm it? And what does Hutos reveal about the state of the Korean animation industry? Please share your thoughts.

Here are some links I found useful while researching this that you may too:

  1. Episode of Hutos (with advertisements)
  2. KOCCA: 'Hutos', KBS Young Kids Program, to develop a character manual

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

New Links: Useful Korean Animation Stuff +More!

I was walking through a snowy mountain when . . .Squirrel: Psssssst! Aren't you Midodok?
Midodok: Yeah.
Squirrel: I've been visiting your blog. It's okay. But I wanna see more stuff done by Korean animators. Whaddya say?
Midodok: Sure, how about I put up some links to friends and co-workers of mine? You can visit the artist Skitsch's sketch blog. She's got a lot to say and drawings to share. Or you can visit Park Min's Naver blog. He posts his animation work sometimes and does it with a lot of style. Or how about Studio Moziri? They create cute and funny animations for you to watch online. Check it out!
Squirrel: Wohoo! Thanks a lot!

Woodpecker: Tk tk tk tk tkkk. It's not enough! It's not enough!

Midodok: Huh?.

Woodpecker: You don't post enough on this blog! I want more, more , MORE!! Tk tk tk tkkkk.

Midodok: Sorry. I do my best!

Woodpecker: It's not enough! Tk tk tk tk tk.

Midodok: Well, there is this website hosted by the Korean Culture and Content Agency (KOCCA). They've got a wealth of information about Korean animation, comics, characters, video games, edutainment and more! I think it could be of great use to people interested in Korean creative content. I should visit that website more often myself.

Woodpecker: Thanks, I guess. Tk tk.

Bees: Bzzzzz. Bzzzzzzz. Bah! Who cares about Korean animation!? We want to read about Korean movies. And sometimes music. Not animation!
Midodok: Sheesh! You mountain animals are asking for so much today!
Bees: Bzzzzzzzz.
Midodok: Okay, there is this blog called Korea Pop Wars by Mark Russell. He covers Korean movies and music in a professional manner. You bees would dig it.
Bees: Why thank you!

All the new links discussed here have been permanently posted on the right side of this blog. I hope they are useful to you. Check them out!