jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Rat in Hanbok

Here's a rat wearing hanbok.
Happy, rosey cheeked, and not a care in the world!

Here's a rat NOT wearing hanbok. Oh my! What a difference!

Which of these rats do you think got the better advertising gig? Rats are in hot demand this year, being that it's Year of the Rat.

The rat wearing hanbok must have a better agent. He gets to wear hanbok, traditional Korean clothing, usually only worn on special occasions. He gets to wear it out in the nice open air.

This poor rat is forced into a dimly lit subway station with nothing to wear at all! He really should talk to his agent.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

Best of March

March was a dry month on this blog. Sorry, loyal readers, for not entertaining you better. These two posts are the best of March. Click an image or link below to go to the post.

Learn what you can and cannot do while on the subways of Seoul. These advertising campaigns approach subway etiquette with funny cartoons.

Korean Teletubbies? Hutos: The Flying House is a new show for preschoolers that shares a lot in common with the Teletubbies. But does it share too much? And is that a bad thing? Check it out and then weigh in your opinion.

Goal for April: complete 15 posts. Thanks to all you readers and an extra thanks to those of you who leave comments and email interesting questions. More will come soon!